Amy loves art. Amy loves learning new things. Enter crushed glass. Her first experience with crushed glass art was in June 2021 in Panama City Beach, FL at the Shatter Shop. Though she and her Mom were 30 minutes early, they were the last ones to finish. So many choices. So much fun! They laid out the glass onto the canvas but did not do the epoxy part of the art. Amy had much to learn.
With much research and experimentation, she has mastered the art. Several of her friends and her 6-year old daughter helped her learn and create.
Now she has a wall full of crushed glass art for sale and sells some of her art at the Cottonwood Market in Richardson, TX. The more art sold, the more she can create.
If you are interested in buying any of Amy’s crushed glass art (or mosaic art), send her an email to get the process started. She can arrange a personal shopping appointment or send photos of the art available for purchase. The photos below are some of her first pieces. She tries to create new art as often as she can. One could say that she is a little addicted to this type of art.
Too. Much. Fun.
Have questions? Email Amy @ [email protected].

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