Join me on Tues., Feb. 7, 6-9 pm where the Richardson Mercantile event room will be filled with love as we create love-themed mosaics. Workshop participants will have a wide selection to choose from:

  • base
    *  heart
    * curved heart
    * elongated heart
    * double heart
    * L-O-V-E
  • colors and types of tesserae (broken dishes, glass gems, jewelry, etc.)
  • letters – Scrabble, Upwards, small letters – spell names, Bible verses, etc.

Don’t miss this opportunity to create a unique Valentine gift. Mosaics will be ready for pick up on February 10. Bring a friend, or bring your daughter; either way, you will create a memory as well as a mosaic.

Cost: $35/person ($5 off first 5 registrations)